Müün siis kogu krempli korraga 15000kilo eest,aga hind pole kivist. Olemas ka sellel korralikul paberid. Korralikum käivitub ise aga valgel puudub juhtmestik.Valge mootor sõitnud sirka 150000km,käigukast tundub ideaalne. Sellepärast on räämas et tegi nina laksu ja sinnapaika ta seisma jäi. Piltte leiad siit http://nagi.ee/photos/Hormrix/sets/72239/
Võib ka mõningaid varuosi valgeküljest kärppida mis silma hakkavad.
Tel 56746802
Hi! Sorry - of course i do not understand Eesti language, but if i got it right you are selling spare parts?
If so, then maybe something could be available for a Latvian e21 enthusiast?
I would be interested in tail lights and chrome parts (if in good condition). Also lots of small things are wanted, but tail lights and chrome is the main issue at the moment.
Hormrix kirjutas:HI!
Yes, You´re right!
But if you are interested then I´ll sell whole car and the other car wich is useable for spare parts with 15 000 kroons.
No, no.. this will not do - i need only chrome, tail lights and several small things. I have already some couple of cars...
Furthermore, it would be impossible for me to transport it from Tallinn to Riga.